HARGALOGAMMULAEMAS.BLOGSPOT.COM:The turbulent 2000s gave us two stock crashes, a real estate meltdown and broad financial mayhem. If you haven't yet lost faith as an investor, consider the merits of losing it now. The recent throes in financial markets, I believe, mark the end of a long period that has rewarded what I'll call faith-based investing, and the start of a period that will favor faith's opposite in the investment world: income.
The past two decades have given a skewed view of what investment returns look like. Over five years ended January 2000, the S&P 500 index tripled in price. Its dividend yield shrank to less than 2%. Over six years ended 2006 U.S. house prices doubled. The nationwide rent yield (rents as a percentage of purchase prices) shrank to about 4%. Investors have come to believe that the real money is in rapid price gains, and that income is a pleasant if puny extra.
The assets themselves have come to reflect this distorted view. More than one-quarter of S&P 500 companies pay no dividends. These aren't young start-ups that need all of their cash for expansion. These are America's largest companies, including ones like Apple (AAPL: 211.61, +2.57, +1.22%) and Google (GOOG: 622.87, +4.39, +0.70%) that sit on giant cash hoards. Why exactly should I pay more than 70 times earnings for Amazon (AMZN: 139.31, +0.84, +0.60%), a retailer with profit margins slimmer than those of Wal-Mart (WMT: 53.98, +0.38, +0.70%), when Amazon pays me nothing? Solely in hope that someone else will pay more for my shares? The houses we built during the boom didn't consist mostly of multifamily structures that produce big streams of income or even modest single-family houses that maximize the implied rent the owner saves as a percentage of the purchase price he pays. They were large, luxurious houses with tiny implied yields.
Now consider what normal returns look like. Over two centuries ended 2002, dividend yields on U.S. stocks averaged 4.9%, according to a study by Robert Arnott and Peter Bernstein. During that span, a $100 investment grew to $700 million, or $37 million after subtracting for inflation, assuming dividends were reinvested. If dividends were spent, the $100 grew to only $2,099. If dividends were spent and we ignore the massive price run-up that occurred during the last 20 years of that period (the 1980s and 1990s), the $100 grew to only about $400. In other words, throughout most of the history of stocks, income was just about everything.
Dividends, I've noted before, created stocks, not the other way around. Early merchant shippers had share-owning investors who met them at the docks upon return to split the profit and dissolve the venture. Only by paying dividends did the Dutch East India Company become a perpetual share-issuing company just over four centuries ago, requiring the creation of the world's first stock exchange (in Amsterdam) so that investors could swap its shares. It wasn't accounting standards, faith in management or blind hope that retained earnings will be put to good use that turned short-term profit-splitters into long-term shareholders. It was dividends.
As for houses, between 1890 and 2004 they increased in price by 0.4% a year after inflation, according to Yale professor Robert Shiller. That number is higher than it should be, because the period ends during a bubble. Logic says house prices should match the rate of inflation over long time periods, because inflation is a rise in the price of ordinary goods and a house is an ordinary good -- just wood, bricks, metal and so on. It doesn't sit up nights scheming about ways to make itself more valuable. It just sits. (If we're being picky, it also deteriorates, but only slowly, so house prices should trail inflation by a barely perceptible amount.) That's not to say people of means shouldn't buy big, posh houses. They should regard them the way they do big, posh cars: as money-depleting but enjoyable luxuries, not investments.
About gold: It has become popular because people have lost confidence in governments to protect their currency, but it's the ultimate faith-based investment. It pays no dividend and generates no rent, real or implied. The belief that gold is a store of value is owed to a happy coincidence of chemistry, not inherent worth. Gold simply proved the best element for money when coins were made by hand. No nation today uses gold as the basis for its money, and the metal has few industrial uses. Its price can go sharply higher, but today's buyer can do little but hope that someone will pay more tomorrow. Be cautious about gold, and about other commodities. Better to invest in companies that produce commodities, and companies that turn them into items of greater value.
It's a difficult time to be an income investor. Safe, meaty yields are scarce. Recent price gains aren't. Stay choosy, though, because prices across most asset classes are high. Buy sparingly and find decent yields where you can. If the 2010s resemble the 2000s, you'll be glad to have a stream of income to reinvest when prices plunge. I recently highlighted oil partnerships that pay 7%. Inflation-indexed Treasury bonds pay only 2%, but it's a real 2%, which might prove as good as a nominal 5% or more in coming years.
Common stocks are among the best income investments, because prosperous companies can increase their dividend payments over time. Although the S&P 500 yield has slipped below 2% again, more than 90 index members have yields over 3%. Seek them out, or check my Stock Screen columns , where I regularly search for yield. Income investing, remember, isn't just for people who spend the money. It's for investors who think "return" means money should regularly come back to them.
Jack Hough is an associate editor at SmartMoney.com and author of "Your Next Great Stock."
ARTICLE SOURCE: http://www.smartmoney.com/
Senin, 28 Desember 2009
An Investment Tip for the 2010s
Kliping Harga Logam Mulia Emas: 28 Desember 2009
HARGALOGAMMULIAEMAS.BLOGSPOT.COM:Harga spot emas pagi US$1.106,85 per ounce
Harga emas di pasar spot pagi ini tercatat berada di level US$1.106,85 per ounce. Sementara itu, harga kontrak emas menguat dipicu spekulasi sebagian investor melakukan aksi beli setelah harga logam mulia itu terus turun di pekan keempat, penurunan terlama sejak April.
Emas berpeluang meraih gain pekan ini karena sebagian investor membeli logam mulia itu setelah penurunan 'berlebihan' dari posisi rekor US$1.226,56 per ounce pada 3 Desember, kata satu survei. Sebanyak 11 dari 21 pedagang, investor dan analis yang disurvei Bloomberg mengatakan emas akan menguat. Sebanyak tujuh orang di antaranya memperkirakan penurunan harga dan tiga lainnya mengatakan netral.
Emas untuk pengiriman segera menguat 0,4% menjadi US$1.110,23 per ounce sebelum diperdagangkan di posisi US$1.108,32 pada pukul 8:48 a.m. di Singapura. Emas untuk pengiriman Februari di New York
naik 0,3% menjadi US$1.108,40 per ounce.
Emas telah naik 26% tahun ini karena pertumbuhan AS tertekan sepanjang resesi terlama sejak Perang Dunia II, memicu permintaan terhadap logam mulia sebagai investasi.Sinyal meningkatnya pertumbuhan AS memicu rally pada dolar negara itu bulan ini, setelah mata uang itu turun ke terendah 15 bulan pada November. Emas tergelincir 6% pada Desember karena U.S. Dollar Index menguat 3,9%. Indeks itu melemah 0,2% hari ini.
Di antara logam mulia lainnya, perak dan palladium bergerak tipis di posisi US$17,51 per ounce dan US$386,75 per ounce secara berurutan, dan platinum memperoleh gain 1,3% di level US$1.483 per ounce.(er)
Minggu, 27 Desember 2009
Kliping Harga Logam Mulia Emas: 25 Desember 2009
Harga emas terdorong depresiasi dolar AS
oleh : Taufik Wisastra
Harga kontrak emas naik ke level tertinggi dalam seminggu seiring depresiasi dolar AS yang mendorong permintaan logam mulia sebagai alternatif investasi.
Nilai tukar dolar AS merosot ke titik terendah pekan ini terhadap enam mata uang utama dunia. Emas lantakan, yang biasanya dibeli pedagang untuk lindung nilai dari inflasi, bergerak naik jika nilai tukar dolar AS melemah.
Harga logam mulia, yang menguat 25% tahun ini, menyentuh level rekor US$1.227,50 per ounce pada awal bulan ini, sedangkan dolar merosot lebih dari 4%.
“Sentimen masih menguat, sementara greenback terus mendapat tekanan,” kata James Moore, analis pada TheBullionDesk.com di London.
Harga perdagangan berjangka emas untuk pengiriman Februari naik US$10,80 (1%) menjadi �US$1.104,80 per ounce di unit Comex, New York Mercantile Exchange, kenaikan terbesar sejak 16 Desember.
Harga logam mulia mencatat reli tahun ini. Pertumbuhan di Amerika Serikat yang melemah selama resesi terpanjang sejak Perang Dunia II mendorong permintaan emas sebagai alternative penanaman modal. (tw)
Pedagang Berburu Investasi Emas Pegadaian
TEMPO Interaktif, Makassar -Perusahaan Umum Pegadaian menyatakan produk investasi emas koin dan batangan 5 gram hingga 1 kilogram tengah diburu para pedagang kelontongan di Sulawesi Selatan.
Menurut Kepala Humas dan Hukum Perum Pegadaian Kanwil Sulselbar dan Maluku, Syafiuddin para pedagang tertarik karena kadar emas 22 karat mencapai 99,9 persen dan bersertifikasi internasional dari PT Aneka Tambang.
“Pedagang banyak yang menyetorkan uangnya untuk mendapatkan emas berkadar 22 karat,” kata dia disela kegiatan sosialisasi investasi emas, di Kantor Telkom Flexi Kandatel Makassar, kemarin.
Syafiuddn menjelaskan, investasi emas sangat diminati pedagang kecil yang bergerak di usaha mikro. Produk Perum Pegadaian yang diperkenalkan Februari 2009 itu, hadir dalam berat 5 gram, 10 gram, 15 gram, 25 gram dan 1 kilogram. Syafiuddin mengaku, pedagang lebih menyukai investasi emas sebesar 5 – 10 gram.
Puncak permintaan invetasi emas terjadi di April – November lalu sebanyak Rp 1,85 miliar yang berasal dari 400 pedagang, dengan total emas sebesar 90 kilogram. Daya tarik investasi emas, jelas dia, terletak dari sisi margin keuntungan yang ditawarkan.
Untuk investasi satu bulan memberikan margin keuntungan tiga persen, kemudian enam bulan sebanyak enam persen, setahun mendapat 12 persen. Lalu 18 bulan sebanyak 18 persen, dua tahun 24 persen, dan 36 bulan 36 persen. Beramai-ramainya pedagang ikut investasi emas itu, sambung dia, karena pertimbangan jangka panjang.
Hal itu disebabkan harga emas setiap waktu terus mengalami kenaikkan dan aman disimpan dalam jangka panjang dibandingkan deposito perbankan. Apalagi mendapat jaminan dari perusahaan tambang kelas dunia PT Aneka Tambang yang selama ini menjadi lembaga sah sertifikasi emas.
“Masyarakat bisa mengikuti investasi emas dengan cukup menyetorkan uang muka 20 persen. Serta melengkapi surat lain seperti KTP dan slip gaji. Emas koin dan batangan bisa dimiliki setelah cicilan lunas,” kata dia.
Meski belum lunas, tutur dia, nasabah bisa menjual emas kapan saja ke Pagadaian yang dipotong dari sisa angsuran. Bahkan dengan memperlihatkan sertifikat, nasabah bisa memperdagangkan emasnya dipasaran dengan harga tertinggi. Berbeda dengan emas dalam bentuk perhiasan yang akan mengalami hitungan susut.
Dia menambahkan, Perum Pegadaian juga aktif melakukan sosialisasi investasi emas di perusahaan BUMN, pemerintahan, dan korposari swasta. “Investasi emas lebih menguntungkan daripada menyimpan uang di bank. Negara-negara di Eropa menyimpan devisa negara dalam bentuk emas,” ungkap dia.
Jika produk emas berjalan sukses maka Pegadaian akan menambah lagi pundi-pundi keuntungan setiap tahun. Sampai posisi November 2009, omset kredit sudah mencapai 98 persen atau Rp4,6 triliun dari target Rp4,7 triliun di akhir tahun.
Pencapaian omset itu, tumbuh 20 – 40 persen di bandingkan 2007 – 2008. Omset Pegadaian di 2007 mencapai Rp1,4 triliun dan 2008 berkisar Rp2 triliun.
Sumber: web.bisnis.com dan www.tempointeraktif.com
Kamis, 24 Desember 2009
Kliping harga logam mulia emas: Harga emas terdorong depresiasi dolar AS
hargalogammuliaemas.blogspot.com:Jumat, 25/12/2009
LONDON (Bloomberg): Harga kontrak emas naik ke level tertinggi dalam seminggu seiring depresiasi dolar AS yang mendorong permintaan logam mulia sebagai alternatif investasi.
Nilai tukar dolar AS merosot ke titik terendah pekan ini terhadap enam mata uang utama dunia. Emas lantakan, yang biasanya dibeli pedagang untuk lindung nilai dari inflasi, bergerak naik jika nilai tukar dolar AS melemah.
Harga logam mulia, yang menguat 25% tahun ini, menyentuh level rekor US$1.227,50 per ounce pada awal bulan ini, sedangkan dolar merosot lebih dari 4%.
“Sentimen masih menguat, sementara greenback terus mendapat tekanan,” kata James Moore, analis pada TheBullionDesk.com di London.
Harga perdagangan berjangka emas untuk pengiriman Februari naik US$10,80 (1%) menjadi �US$1.104,80 per ounce di unit Comex, New York Mercantile Exchange, kenaikan terbesar sejak 16 Desember.
Harga logam mulia mencatat reli tahun ini. Pertumbuhan di Amerika Serikat yang melemah selama resesi terpanjang sejak Perang Dunia II mendorong permintaan emas sebagai alternative penanaman modal. (tw)
Sumber: http://web.bisnis.com/
Rabu, 23 Desember 2009
Selasa, 22 Desember 2009
Logam Mulia Emas-Investasi Emas dan Sistem Emas
By:Dimas Bagus Wiranata Kusuma
Logam Mulia Emas Sebagai Media Investasi
Jakarta - Sejarah membuktikan bahwa Emas (Gold) adalah komoditas yang telah menjelma menjadi salah satu media investasi yang sangat menguntungkan. Belakangan diberitakan bahwa emas kembali mencatat rekor harga tertinggi setelah IMF selaku lembaga keuangan internasional menjual cadangan emasnya sebanyak 200 ton kepada India.
Pembelian emas oleh India merupakan salah satu upaya melindungi asset dan satu bentuk upaya investasi. Apalagi di tengah ketidapastian ekonomi yang masih dibayang-bayangi oleh dampak krisis global yang belum memberikan informasi yang menguntungkan akan masa depan ekonomi dunia.
Emas dikatakan menguntungkan dapat dinilai dari perkembangan volatilitasnya yang hingga saat ini menunjukkan trend positif. Pada tahun 1800, harga emas per satu troy ons setara dengan 19,39 Dolar AS. Sementara dua ratus tahun kemudian, tepatnya pada tahun 2004, satu troy ons setara dengan 455,757. Dan, pada tahun 2009, harga emas telah menembus harga di atas 1000 US Dolar.
Dengan demikian, selama dua abad berlalu, emas telah mengalami apresiasi yang luas biasa sebesar 5057,29 persen terhadap dolar. Apabila di rata-rata, maka setiap tahun dalam rentang dua abad, emas mengalami kenaikan sebesar 24,20 persen setiap tahun terhadap dolar AS.
Berdasar pada perhitungan sederhana di atas, maka tak terelakkan bahwa emas merupakan salah satu komoditas yang paling digandrungi. Bukan tidak mungkin menjadi komoditas yang diminati oleh para investor khususnya. Maka dari itu, wajar bilamana pada era 1800-an pemerintah eropa menerapkan system merkantilisme, yaitu sistem yang mensyaratkan untuk mengumpulkan emas sebanyak-banyaknya.
Pengumpulan pada masa itu merupakan salah satu indikasi untuk mengukur kekayaan suatu Negara. Dan, saat ini, memang terbukti bahwa Negara yang memegang emas dengan kuantitas besar dapat dikatakan memiliki tingkat kekayaan yang besar.
Pertimbangan Berinvestasi Logam Mulia Emas
Setidaknya, ada dua pertimbangan mengapa seseorang harus berinvestasi dalam bentuk emas:
Pertama, emas merupakan satu-satunya komoditas yang mencatat prestasi sebagai komoditas yang stabil. Stabilitas emas dapat dibuktikan secara sederhana dengan transaksi ekonomi. Dikisahkan, berdasar riwayat oleh Imam Bukhari, bahwa suatu ketika Rasulullah SAW menyuruh Urwah (salah seorang sahabat) membeli kambing seharga 1 dinar. Dengannya Urwah mendapat 2 kambing, dan bila diasumsikan kambing berukuran sedang harganya setengah dinar, maka tidak akan jauh berbeda bila dibandingkan sekarang.
Mari kita hitung secara matematis sederhana. Bila diperoleh suatu takaran bahwa 1 dinar setara dengan 4,22 gram emas emas murni atau 0,135 ons. Maka, bila kita asumsikan bahwa harga emas saat ini satu troy ons adalah 1000 US Dolar, maka 1 dinar setara dengan 135 dolar US Dolar. Kemudian anggap nilai tukar Rupiah terhadap dolar AS saat ini adalah Rp 9400/USD, maka kita peroleh 1 dinar setara dengan kira-kira Rp 1,269,000.
Berdasar kisah di atas, disebutkan bahwa 1 dinar bisa memperoleh 2 ekor kambing berukuran sedang yang berarti seekor kambing dihargai sekitar Rp 600 ribu. Dan, bila kita bandingkan dengan kondisi sekarang, maka harga kambing di Indonesia dengan ukuran sedang tidak akan berbeda jauh dari Rp 600,000.
Dengan demikian, dalam rentang 14 abad, emas terbukti memiliki daya beli yang dapat dikatakan tidak berubah. Hal ini, memberikan suatu indikasi bahwa investasi dengan emas tidak memberikan kerugian baik secara internal maupun eksternal.
Secara internal berarti, emas dapat menjaga dan merupakan komoditas yang berfungsi sebagai alat penyimpan nilai yang stabil. Sehingga, relatif aman untuk menjaga nilai kekayaan seseorang. Secara eksternal, emas dapat memberikan fungsi sebagai alat yang stabil untuk bertransaksi. Bertransaksi dengan emas tak akan lekang dengan waktu dan tempat, serta terbukti dapat bertahan menjaga nilai transaksi ekonomi yang dilakukan (kecil termakan inflasi).
Kedua, emas memberikan keuntungan berupa jaminan nilai terutama pada masa yang terus berubah. Dalam teori ekonomi disebutkan bahwa ekonomi sarat dengan ketidakpastian (uncertainty) dan dipertegas dalam modern ekonomi bahwa semua transaksi ekonomi dilandasi oleh rasionalitas (rationality).
Merespon kedua fenomena di atas dan bila dikaitkan dengan investasi, maka saat ini pelaku ekonomi memerlukan suatu media yang dapat mengakomodasi keduanya sekaligus. Emas merupakan komoditas yang bilamana kita beli dalam suatu transaksi, maka ketika kita menjualnya secara real dan nominal menguntungkan. Secara real mengacu pad sifat emas yang tahan lama dan tidak mudah aus (rusak) sedangkan secara nominal akan meningkat.
Logam Mulia Emas Sebagai Mata Uang
Aplikasi Emas Menjadi Mata Uang
Setelah mengamati bahwa emas sebagai komoditas yang menguntungkan baik secara intrinsik maupun ekstrinsik, maka bagaimana bila emas diaplikasikan ke dalam suatu sistem moneter global. Selama ini, kita sadar atau tidak telah berada dalam suatu kubangan sistem moneter global yang sarat dengan ketidakdilan dan ketidakpastian.
Dollar sebagai mata uang global telah menjelma menjadi kekuatan raksasa yang siap menghisap kekayaan negara di dunia serta menciptakan ketidakstabilan ekonomi global. Bagaimana hal itu bisa terjadi? Setidaknya ada 4 hal yang kita bisa cermati yaitu:
Pertama, dalam ekonomi internasional kita mengetahui bahwa kelebihan pendapatan ekspor dibanding pengeluaran impor akan dicatat dalam akun surplus. Dalam kondisi surplus, maka diwujudkan dengan aliran masuk devisa ke dalam reserve Negara. Dalam kondisi devisa mengalir masuk, maka akhirnya menambah reserve suatu Negara yaitu secara spesifik reserve dalam denominasi dollar meningkat. Dalam kondisi dolar berfluktuasi, maka nilai reserve pun berfluktuasi mengikuti pergerakan dolar.
Untuk menjaga biaya memegang dolar agar tidak merugi terlalu besar, maka langkah hedging pun dilakukan dengan batas berdasar spekulasi pemagang dolar. Tentunya hedging memberikan konsekuensi berupa biaya hedging yang dikeluarkan demi penyelematan akibat perubahan kurs. Akibat terburuk hedging adalah bila perubahan kurs kurang dari batas hedging yang dilakukan. Bila hal di atas terjadi pada skope/area yang luas maka instabilitas ekonomi akan terjadi.
Kedua, pemegang dolar yang mengkonversikan mata uangnya ke dalam mata uang domestik yang mengakibatkan pada apresiasi kurs. Sesuai dengan teori ekonomi, bahwa ketika apresiasi terjadi, maka daya saing ekspor negara tersebut menurun relatif terhadap negara pengimpor. Hal ini karena apresiasi mata uang domestik direspon dengan ekspekstasi bahwa harga produk ekspor relatif mahal sehingga mendorong penurunan eskpor.
Dalam kondisi ekspor menurun, maka pendapatan Negara berkurang yang kemudian menjelma menjadi defisit anggaran. Defisit anggaran mendorong Negara untuk mencari pendapatan untuk menutupnya minimal dengan 2 cara yaitu memperbesar rasio hutang baik domestik maupun luar negeri atau dengan mencetak uang (seignorage). Sayangnya, kedua cara ini pada akhirnya dapat memicu instabilitas ekonomi.
Ketiga, surplus dolar AS ditempatkan di perbankan. Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa perbankan merupakan lembaga intermediasi yang dalam hal berupaya menyalurkan dana yang diterima melalui instrumen kredit. Namun, kredit sebenarnya adalah hutang perekonomian kepada depositor. Eksesif kredit pada akhirnya menciptakan kredit bubble seperti halnya kredit perumahan di AS yang berujung krisis global.
Bagaimana pun juga, perbankan seoptimal mungkin akan memberikan kreditnya karena terbebani oleh bunga pembayaran kepada depositor. Sehingga, perbankan sangat eksesif dan memberikan kredit tanpa pertimbangan apakah sektor tersebut memberikan nilai tambah real bagi perekonomian. Pada akhirnya, penciptaan kredit ini mendorong overheating ekonomi yang kemudian bisa memicu hiperinflasi.
Kondisi di atas, sangat kontras dan dapat terminimalisasi manakala emas digunakan sebagai mata uang global. Kunci utama mengapa emas dapat meminimalkan semua akibat di atas adalah karena emas bernilai bukan karena diundangkan atau dijamin oleh undang-undang. Tetapi, karena emas bernilai karena kandungan logam mulia yang diakui semua orang.
Dengan demikian, aplikasi emas dalam perekonomian dapat dilihat pada transaksi perdagangan internasional. Dalam transaksi internasional, anggap ada 2 negara melakukan transaksi di mana satu negara mengalami suplus perdagangan, dan satu negara defisit.
Pada kasus negara surplus, maka cadangan emas meningkat yang kemudian disertai dengan peningkatan kredit bank, peningkatan aktivitas ekonomi, dan akhirnya inflasi pun terjadi. Pada kondisi inflasi, maka harga-harga terdongkrak naik sehingga daya saing ekonomi pun menurun dan mendorong penurunan laju ekspor.
Di pihak lain, negara yang mengalami defisit, ia mengalami kesulitan ekonomi dan penurunan aktivitas ekonomi terjadi. Merespon penurunan itu, maka harga-harga pun menurun yaitu dengan asumsi pemerintah mendistorsi pasar dengan injeksi likuditas. Dalam kondisi harga murah, maka harga barang ekspor relatif murah menurut negara surplus.
Akhirnya, negara surplus mengimpor barang yang pada gilirannya menambah reserve negara yang mengalami defisit. Dengan demikian, dalam sistem emas terjadi penyesuaian automatis yang memungkinkan negara-negara yang melakukan transaksi perdagangan mengalami sustainabilitas ekonomi. Sehingga, dalam jangka panjang akan tercipta hubungan yang saling menguntungkan dan saling menyeimbangkan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan ekonomi berdasar sistem emas.
Logam Mulia Emas Sebagai Standar Moneter Global
Akhirnya, baik investasi emas maupun sistem emas memberikan ruang gerak yang luas bagi suatu perekonomian untuk berkembang secara adil dan berkesinambungan. Keduanya mampu juga dalam meminimalkan efek ketidakpastian dan meningkatkan rasional dalam transaksi ekonomi. Dukungan kebijakan dan kesungguhan pelaku ekonomi akan sangat berarti untuk mewujudkan emas sebagai standar moneter global yang berkeadilan.
Dimas Bagus Wiranata Kusuma
- Kandidat Master of Economics International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM),
- Assistant Lecture of Islamic Economic Studies, Airlangga University, Surabaya Indonesia,
- Direktur Humas of Islamic Economic Forum for Indonesian Development (ISEFID) Kuala Lumpur.
dimas_economist@yahoo.com (+60-169026445)
Muhammad Akhyar Adnan
Associate Professor Kulliyah of Economics and Management Sciences
International Islamic University Malaysia
Sumber: http://suarapembaca.detik.com/
Kliping Harga Emas 22 Desember 2009
Emas Berkilau Kembali; Spekulasi Turunnya Harga Komoditi Logam
Selasa, 22 Desember 2009 14:45 WIB
Harga emas pada perdagangan sore hari ini (22/12) terpantau mengalami peningkatan. Naiknya harga emas disebabkan oleh keluarnya spekulasi bahwa harga komoditi logam akan mengalam penurunan di awal tahun 2010 mendatang.
Emas spot mengalami peningkatan sebesar 0,4% menjadi 1.097,42 dollar per troy ons. Sepanjang tahun 2009, harga emas telah mengalami peningkatan sebesar 24%.
Senin, 21 Desember 2009
Kliping Emas 9-14 dan 18 September 2009
Hati-hati... Emas Berpotensi Terkoreksi
Rabu, 9 September 2009 | 08:47 WIB
KOMPAS.com — Emas akhirnya menembus level 1.000 dollar AS per troy ounce, kali pertama sejak Februari 2009. Setelah dalam beberapa bulan cenderung bergerak stabil di atas 900 dollar AS per troy ounce. Faktor pendorong dari harga emas adalah lemahnya nilai tukar dollar AS, kekhawatiran pada kesinambungan pemulihan ekonomi global dan masalah inflasi di kemudian hari.
Apakah pemulihan ekonomi dapat bertahan atau tidak, hal itu masih menjadi pertanyaan besar saat ini, mengingat masih banyak “PR” yang harus dikerjakan oleh negara maju. Situasi ini mendorong pelaku pasar mencari investasi yang lebih aman, yaitu membeli emas.
Dollar AS yang masih diragukan kekuatannya, terkait masalah defisit yang begitu besar di AS; suku bunga yang masih bertahan mendekati nol persen; dan membaiknya fundamental ekonomi lebih mendorong pelaku pasar memburu aset berisiko. Pelemahan dollar AS positif bagi harga emas.
Inflasi jelas mengkhawatirkan karena nilai investasi akan tergerus. Jumlah uang yang sudah dikucurkan di pasar keuangan sangat besar, dikhawatirkan ini akan memicu terjadinya inflasi di kemudian hari. Maka untuk memproteksi investasi, pelaku pasar mengoleksi emas yang harganya cenderung stabil.
Nah, apakah emas akan terus merangkak naik? Dari segi harga, emas sudah cukup mahal. Pelaku pasar akan mempertimbangkan risiko membeli pada kisaran harga di 1.000 dollar AS. Dengan demikian, pelaku pasar akan mulai memikirkan aksi jual di level ini.
Kemudian, dari sisi teknikal, ada pola sama yang terjadi dua kali. Emas—yang sudah berada di level kisaran 1.000 dollar AS—tidak bertahan lama, mengalami koreksi (lebih jelas lihat di chart). Jadi, dari segi harga dan teknikal, emas berpotensi mengalami koreksi. (JG/Head of Research and Analyst PT.Monex Investindo Futures)
Wah, Harga Emas Makin Mahal
Senin, 14 September 2009 | 09:00 WIB
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Harga emas di pasar internasional masih nangkring di atas level 1.000 dollar AS, antara lain didorong oleh semakin tingginya harga minyak mentah dunia yang berada di atas 72 dollar AS per barrel.
Pada perdagangan di Hongkong, Senin (14/9) pagi, seperti dilansir AFP, harga emas dibuka berada di posisi 1.002,80-1.003,80 dollar AS per ounce, lebih mahal ketimbang penutupan pekan lalu pada 999,00-1,000,00.
Di New York Mercantile Exchange, pada Jumat lalu, harga emas pengiriman terkini ditutup pada 1.004,90 dollar AS per troy ounce. Bahkan untuk kontrak emas pengiriman Desember, menyentuh 1.013,70 dollar AS, yang merupakan level tertinggi sejak harga logam mulia ini mencapai 1.015 dollar AS pada Februari lalu.
Jual Emas, IMF Lakukan Pertemuan
Jumat, 18 September 2009 | 13:35 WIB
WASHINGTON, KOMPAS.com - Dewan Eksekutif Dana Monetr Internasional (IMF), Jumat (18/9) waktu setempat, akan melakukan pertemuan terkait rencana penjualan cadangan emas lembaga keuangan internasional tersebut.
IMF merupakan intitusi resmi yang mempunyai cadangan emas terbesar ketiga di dunia.
Lembaga ini akan menjual sekitar 1/8 dari 12,97 juta ounce cadangan emasnya. Saat ini harga emas dunia sedang mahal-mahalnya, yakni berada di atas level 1.000 dollar AS per ounce.
Sumber: http://bisniskeuangan.kompas.com/
Kliping Emas 10 dan 17 September 2009
Harga Emas Melandai
Kamis, 10 September 2009 | 10:32 WIB
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Setelah sempat menyentuh 1.000 dollar AS, harga emas di pasar internasional mulai melandai, meski masih belum menjauh dari level 1.000.
Pada perdagangan di New York Mercantile Exchange, Rabu (9/9) waktu setempat, kontrak emas pengiriman terkini ditutup turun pada 995,30 dollar AS per troy ounce, dibanding penutupan Selasa di posisi 997,90 dollar AS.
Hal serupa juga terjadi pada perdagangan di Hongkong Kamis pagi. Seperti dilansir AFP, harga emas dibuka dibuka melemah ke posisi 992,30-993,30 dollar AS per ounce, turun dari penutupan Rabu pada 998,70-999,70 dollar AS.
Emas Bakal Lebih Mahal Lagi?
Kamis, 17 September 2009 | 13:37 WIB
KOMPAS.com - Melemahnya dollar AS dalam beberapa hari terakhir karena para investor lebih memilih menempatkan dana mereka pada pasar aset yang mengandung resiko mendongkrak harga komoditi.
Emas yang menjadi bagian dari pasar tersebut tidak terkecuali tetap bertahan di level tingginya di atas level 1.000 dollar AS per troy ons. Pemulihan ekonomi global masih menjadi faktor utama para investor melepas dollar AS yang selama ini berfungsi sebagai safe haven (relatif aman).
Korelasi antara harga emas dan harga dollar berbanding terbalik. Jika dollar AS menguat maka nilai emas akan mengalami penurunan. Dengan indeks dollar AS yang mengukur nilai dollar AS terhadap beberapa mata uang dunia saat ini berada di level terendahnya hampir setahun terakhir, maka tidak mengherankan harga emas melonjak tinggi.
Namun faktor lain yang juga sangat berpengaruh terhadap nilai emas adalah kekhawatiran terhadap inflasi di masa mendatang. Pemulihan ekonomi global perlahan-lahan akan mendorong terjadinya inflasi. Besarnya dana yang digelontorkan oleh bank sentral sebagai program stimulus juga bakal berpotensi menciptakan inflasi. Para investor ingin melakukan proteksi investasi mereka dengan mengoleksi emas.
Namun untuk naik lebih tinggi emas menghadapi tantangan yang serius. Harga emas sudah cukup tinggi sehingga para investor perlu berpikir dua kali untuk membeli emas di level sekarang dan ini bisa mengurangi demand pada emas yang berpotensi mendorong terjadinya koreksi besar. Tapi suku bunga rendah yang mendekati nol persen dari Bank Sentral AS (the Fed), besarnya defisit pemerintah AS dan tren pada selera terhadap aset beresiko membuat dollar AS jadi tidak menarik di mata para investor.
Selama situasi tersebut belum berubah, emas bakal terus bertengger di level tingginya. Dalam waktu dekat emas diperkirakan bisa mencapai level 1.100 dollar AS sampai 1.200 dollar AS, untuk jangka lebih panjang bisa mencapai level 1.500 dollar AS per troy ons. (JG/Head of Research Analyst PT. Monex Investindo Futures)
Sumber: http://bisniskeuangan.kompas.com/
Kliping Emas 22 Mei 2008
Peluang Emas
Kamis, 22 Mei 2008 | 16:19 WIB
Pada 4 Mei lalu, satu gram emas mencapai Rp 254.000. Sebulan sebelumnya bahkan harganya sempat menembus Rp 300 ribuan. Jika Anda tertarik menggeluti investasi ini, jangan buru-buru ke toko emas. Simak dulu tulisan berikut agar tak salah langkah.
Fakta membuktikan, jika terjadi inflasi tinggi, harga emas akan naik lebih tinggi dari inflasi. Jika inflasi mencapai 10 persen, maka emas akan naik 13 persen. Jika inflasi 100 persen, maka emas akan naik 200 persen.
Itu sebabnya, Anda mesti mempertimbangkan investasi emas ini. Keuntungan lain, harga emas dipatok dalam dollar AS. Jika dollar naik, Anda dapat dua keuntungan, dari kenaikan dollar dan kenaikan harga emas sendiri.
Namun perlu dicatat, harga emas cenderung stabil jika laju inflasi rendah. Bahkan cenderung sedikit menurun jika inflasi di bawah dua digit. Jadi, sangat tidak disarankan berinvestasi emas dalam jangka pendek (1 tahun atau kurang).
Kekurangan lain, pada storage dan handling. Menyimpan emas agak berisiko dan mahal. Jika disimpan kurang baik, bisa terjad oksidasi dan perubahan warna. Khusus emas berbentuk koin, jika penyok atau cuil, sulit di-treatment ulang. Ini bisa mengurangi harga. Silakan pilih sesuai selera dan berburu emas!
Jenis ini hanya menguntungkan bila disimpan jangka panjang. Pasalnya, saat dijual kembali harganya akan turun sampai 20 persen untuk "ongkos" pembuatan. Toko emas juga harus menanggung ketidakaslian dan penurunan kadar emas karena harus dilebur kembali.
Jadi, perhiasan emas kurang tepat untuk berinvestasi. Sifatnya subyektif, tergantung selera individu. Sangat mungkin Anda membelinya dengan mahal, tapi ketika dijual harganya jatuh karena modelnya tak lagi up to date.
Jenis ini dianggap paling menguntungkan. Di mana pun dan kapan pun Anda jual, harganya selalu mengikuti harga internasinal yang berlaku. Emas batangan tersedia dalam ukuran 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 25, dan 50 gram. Terberat 1 kg dengan kadar 22 karat (95 persen) atau 24 karat (99 persen).
Semakin kecil ukuran, ongkos pembuatannya semakin murah. Namun, jika Anda ingin berinvestasi dalam jumlah cukup besar, sebaiknya beli dalam ukuran lebih besar untuk memperkecil jumlah total ongkos yang harus dikeluarkan.
Disebut juga koin emas ONH (Ongkos Naik Haji). Penamaan ini sebetulnya hanya taktik pemasaran. Nyatanya, investasi ini sama dengan investasi emas lain. Harganya sama dengan harga emas yang mengikuti harga mata uang asing (dollar AS), dan aman terhadap inflasi. Dulu, koin emas ini diharapkan bisa sebagai alternatif investasi bagi mereka yang ingin menabung untuk persiapan ibadah haji.
Nilai dan kadarnya sama dengan emas batangan. Namun, jumlahnya terbatas dan sulit dijumpai di pasaran. Koin emas tersedia dalam ukuran 1, 5, dan 10 gram. Ada juga koin yang harganya sampai lebih dari Rp 50 miliar karena nilai sejarah, kepemilikan, dan kejadian penting saat diluncurkan.
Untuk jenis ini, Anda tak perlu memiliki emas secara fisik. Cukup berinvestasi lewat sertifikat emas atau Gold Exchange Traded Fund (produk berjangka emas) yang dikeluarkan Bursa Berjangka Jakarta (BBJ). Anda bisa membuka rekening di salah satu pialang yang akan mentransaksikan investasi Anda.
Produk kontrak berjangka milik BBJ ini, diperdagangkan melalui bursa komoditas (bursa berjangka). Selain lebih aman, dengan produk berjangka ini, investasi emas terdaftar secara resmi dan bisa diperdagangkan secara resmi pula di pasar bursa seperti halnya perdagangan saham.
HSBC Syariah menawarkan tabungan ini. Bank Syariah Mandiri rencananya akan menyusul. Portofolio yang digunakan emas 24 karat. Nasabah akan menerima sertifikat kepemilikan emas. Bentuk fisik emas akan disimpan bank atau vendor yang ditentukan.
Satuan emas minimum 10 gram dan kelipatannya. Anda cukup membuka rekening di bank bersangkutan. Setoran dana tunai akan dikonversi menjadi harga emas. Jadi, bisa terlihat berapa gram yang ditabung.
Erma Dwi Kusumastuti
Kliping Emas 8 dan 19 Mei 2009
Harga Emas Mahal
Jumat, 8 Mei 2009 | 10:20 WIB
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Harga emas di pasar internasional kembali menguat, di atas level 900 dollar AS per trouy ounce.
Perdagangan di New York Mercantile Exchange, Kamis (7/5) waktu setempat, ditutup naik 915,00 dollar AS per troy ounce, naik dibanding Rabu pada 910,50 dollar AS.
Hal serupa juga terjadi di pasar Hongkong. Seperti dilansir AFP, harga emas Jumat pagi dibuka pada 913,50-914,50 dollar AS per ounce, lebih tinggi dibandingkan penutupan Kamis yang ada di posisi 911,20-912,20 dollar AS.
Sementara itu, di Jakarta, harga logam mulia ini masih relatif stabil. Seperti dikutip Antara, di beberapa toko emas di Cikini dan Pasar Baru, Jakarta Pusat, kemarin, harga emas masih bertahan dengan harga yang berlaku sejak satu bulan lalu.
Salah seorang pedagang emas di Cikini, Yusuf, mengatakan, harga emas hampir semua sama, yaitu Rp 230.000 untuk emas dengan kadar 22 karat dan sekitar Rp 300.000 untuk emas 24 karat. "Harga ini telah berlaku lama. Hampir satu bulan. Meski harga emas cenderung turun sejak tahun lalu, namun tidak memengaruhi penjualan," katanya saat dikonfirmasi.
Senada dikatakan pelayan toko emas Holland, Sari. Menurut dia, harga emas tetap stabil dan cenderung bertahan dengan harga yang berlaku sebelumnya. "Emas 22 karat harganya tetap Rp 230.000. Yang membedakan harga emas adalah ongkos pembuatannya," katanya.
Sementara itu, harga emas di pertokohan Pasar Baru cenderung bervariatif. Meski demikian, harga tersebut masih lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan harga emas di pertokoan Cikini. "Harga emas masih sama. Untuk emas 22 karat sekitar Rp 200.000 dan emas 24 karat sekitar Rp 295.000," kata Ucok salah satu pelayan toko emas Indah Nam Pasar Baru.
Emas Tembus 900 Dollar AS
Senin, 19 Mei 2008 | 09:08 WIB
HONGKONG, SENIN - Harga emas di pasar spot kembali menembus harga 900 dollar AS per troy ounce seiring dengan tingginya harga minyak mentah dunia serta melemahnya dollar AS.
Di Hongkong, pada perdagangan Senin (19/5), seperti dilansir AFP, harga emas dibuka pada 904,00 dollar-905,00 dollar AS per troy ounce, naik dibanding Jumat (16/5) yang ditutup pada 882,00-883,00 dollar.
Sumber: http://bisniskeuangan.kompas.com/
Kliping Emas 19 dan 29 April 2009
Harga Emas Turun 18 Persen
Minggu, 19 April 2009 | 15:13 WIB
BANDAR LAMPUNG, KOMPAS.com - Harga emas di sejumlah pasar di Bandar Lampung, sepekan terakhir mengalami penurunan berkisar 14 hingga 18 persen. Hal itu berdasarkan pantauan Tribun Lampung (Group of Regional Newspaper Kompas Gramedia yang sebentar lagi akan terbit di Bandar Lampung), di toko emas Pasar Bambu Kuning, Pasar Tengah, Jalan Pemuda, dan toko emas tersebar di Jalan Batu Sangkar, Tanjung Karang Barat, Minggu (19/4).
Meski mengalami penurunan, harga emas tetap dijual dengan harga bervariasi. Misalnya, emas 24 karat (kadar 100 persen), kini rata-rata dijual Rp 290 ribu. Pekan sebelumnya, harga jualnya mencapai Rp 350 ribu. Sedangkan, emas 22 karat (80 persen), dijual dengan harga Rp 250 ribu. Padahal sebelumnya menyentuh angka Rp 300 ribu. Emas muda kadar 70 persen Rp 230 ribu, sebelumnya Rp 280 ribu.
Fajar (30), pemilik Toko Emas Paris, di Pasar Bambu Kuning mengatakan, penurunan harga emas dipicu oleh menguatnya kurs rupiah, setelah rupiah bergerak pada angka 12.000 per dollar. Sekarang rupiah menguat menjadi 10.800 per dollar. Walau harga emas turun, konsumen malah banyak yang menjual emas. "Biasanya, sebelum harga emas turun konsumen banyak yang membeli emas. Kira-kira sehari mencapai 200 gram. Tapi sekarang banyak yang menjual emas, " ujarnya.
Rully (37), warga Sukarame yang sedang menjual emas di Toko Fajar mengatakan, "Saya menjual emas karena desakan ekonomi dan kebutuhan anak-anak sekolah dalam menghadapi ujian sekolah," katanya. Berbeda dengan Sofia (24), seorang mahasiswa yang sedang menjual emas di Toko Murni. "Saya menjual emas, karena info yang saya dapatkan, harga emas masih tinggi. Dengan menjual emas, saya masih mendapatkan keuntungan Rp 10.000," ujar mahasiswa asal Palembang.
Achmad Subechi
Harga Emas Turun
Rabu, 29 April 2009 | 10:46 WIB
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Harga emas di pasar internasional kembali melemah di bawah 900 dollar AS per troy ounce.
Di New York Mercantile Exchange, Selasa (28/4) waktu setempat, harga emas sekarang ditutup pada 892,80 dollar AS per troy ounce, turun dibandingkan penutupan Senin di posisi 907,40 dollar AS.
Sementara untuk emas Juni, melorot 14,60 dollar AS atau lebih dari 1,6 persen ke posisi 8,93,60 dollar AS per ounce.
Hal serupa juga terjadi di Hongkong, Rabu pagi. Seperti dikutip AFP, harga emas dibuka pada 891,00 dollar-892,00 dollar AS per ounce, turun dibanding penutupan Selasa pada 896,20 dollar-897,20 dollar AS.
Sumber: http://bisniskeuangan.kompas.com/
Kliping Emas 6 dan 15 April 2009
Harga Emas Memudar
Senin, 6 April 2009 | 08:50 WIB
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Harga emas pada awal pekan ini di pasar internasional kembali melemah. Harga logam mulia ini bahkan di bawah level psikologis, 900 dollar AS.
Seperti dikutip AFP, harga emas pada awal perdagangan di Hongkong, Senin (6/4) pagi, dibuka turun menjadi 885,00-886,00 dollar AS per troy ounce, lebih rendah dibandingkan penutupan pada Jumat, 908,00-909,00 dollar AS.
Sementara itu, pada akhir pekan lalu perdagngan emas di New York Mercantile Exchange, Jumat, ditutup melemah ke posisi 895,60 dollar AS per troy ounce, turun dibandingkan penutupan pada Kamis, 907,40 dollar AS.
Harga Emas Turun Lagi
Rabu, 15 April 2009 | 10:03 WIB
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Harga emas di pasar internasional kembali mengalami penurunan seiring menguatnya dollar AS serta adanya aksi profit taking (ambil untung).
Harga emas pengiriman sekarang di New York Mercantile Exchange, Selasa (14/4) waktu setempat, ditutup pada 890,90 per troy ounce, turun dibanding penutupan sebelumnya di posisi 894,70 dollar AS. Adapun kontrak emas untuk Juni turun 3,80 dollar AS ke level 892 dollar AS per ounce.
Hal serupa juga terjadi di pasar Hongkong, Rabu pagi. Harga logam mulia seperti dikutip AFP dibuka melemah ke posisi 890,00 dollar-891,00 dollar AS per ounce, turun dibanding penutupan Selasa pada 895,00 dollar-896,00 dollar.
Kliping Mas 3 Maret dan 13 Maret 2009
Harga Tinggi, Pembelian Emas Merosot
Selasa, 3 Maret 2009 | 19:31 WIB
Laporan wartawan Gregorius Magnus Finesso
BANDUNG, SELASA — Harga logam mulia jenis emas mengalami lonjakan harga yang sangat signifikan sejak awal 2009. Hal ini membuat angka penjualan emas dari masyarakat mengalami kenaikan, sedangkan pembelian oleh masyarakat menurun hingga 50 persen.
Buana Tanujaya, pemilik toko emas Buana di bilangan Jalan Jendral Ahmad Yani Kota Bandung, mengatakan, fluktuasi harga emas ini sudah mulai terjadi sejak awal tahun ini. Perubahan harganya bisa terjadi setiap hari sehingga dia mengaku sulit menentukan besaran kenaikannya.
"Tentu ketidakpastian harga ini berdampak pada omzet yang kami terima. Mungkin penurunan omzet terjadi hingga 50 persen karena masyarakat juga bingung untuk menginvestasikan uangnya di sektor emas perhiasan," kata Buana, Selasa (3/3) di Bandung.
Meski memiliki kecenderungan naik, lanjut dia, harga emas justru mengalami penurunan sejak tiga hari terakhir. Dia menambahkan, pergerakan emas terakhir terjadi kemarin dan berada di kisaran Rp 265.000/gram untuk emas perhiasan dan Rp 368.000/gram untuk emas batang. Harga ini sangat jauh berbeda dengan fluktuasi pada akhir 2008.
Buana menjelaskan, kondisi ini membuat tingkat penjualan di tempatnya mengalami penurunan hingga 50 persen. Angka ini diyakini juga terjadi di semua tempat penjualan logam mulia jenis ini. Kendati demikian, angka penjualan emas dari masyarakat ke tokonya mengalami lonjakan hingga 30 persen dari biasanya.
Menurunnya angka penjualan dan meningkatnya pembelian yang dilakukan toko-toko penjualan emas, kata dia, sudah mulai terjadi sejak dua pekan silam ketika fluktuasi harga emas mengalami lonjakan yang cukup signifikan.
Naik turunnya harga emas ini dipengaruhi oleh pasar dunia yang berpusat di Amerika Serikat dan London. Jadi, harga emas yang kini berlaku di Indonesia mengacu kepada harga dunia. "Ketika harga dunia mengalami kenaikan, maka tidak heran banyak masyarakat yang menjual emas milik mereka meskipun tidak terlalu membutuhkan uang tunai," jelas dia.
Harga Emas Terus Naik
Jumat, 13 Maret 2009 | 10:38 WIB
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Harga emas di pasar internasional terus menguat menjauhi level 900 dollar AS per troy ounce.
Di New York Mercantile Exchange, Kamis (12/3) waktu setempat, harga emas untuk pengiriman sekarang ditutup pada 923,70 dollar AS per troy ounce, naik dibandingkan penutupan Rabu di posisi 910,40 dollar AS.
Sementara itu, untuk pengiriman April logam mulia ini bertambah 13,30 dollar AS menjadi 924 dollar AS per ounce.
Penguatan harga emas juga terjadi pada awal perdagangan Jumat di Hongkong. Seperti dikutip AFP, harga emas dibuka pada 923,00-924,00 dollar AS per ounce, bertambah dibandingkan penutupan sebelumnya, 912,50-913,50 dollar AS.
Sumber: http://bisniskeuangan.kompas.com/
Kliping Emas 20 dan 21 Januari 2009
Harga Emas Kembali Mahal
Jumat, 20 Maret 2009 | 11:06 WIB
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Harga emas di pasar internasional melambung, mengikuti penguatan harga komoditas di pasar dunia lainnya yang didorong oleh paket pemulihan Federal Reserve senilai 1,2 triliun dollar AS.
Di New York Mercantile Exchange, Kamis (19/3) waktu setempat, harga emas ditutup meloncat menjadi 958,30 dollar AS per troy ounce dibanding penutupan Rabu pada 888,70 dollar AS.
Hal serupa juga terjadi di Hongkong, Kamis pagi, seperti dikutip AFP, harga emas dibuka naik 951,50-952,50 dollar AS per ounce dibanding penutupan Kamis, 931,50-932,50 dollar AS.
Harga Emas Kembali Mumbul
Rabu, 21 Januari 2009 | 08:41 WIB
JAKARTA, RABU — Harga emas di pasar internasional kembali naik, seiring kekhawatiran di sektor perbankan yang menekan pasar saham global.
Di pasar berjangka New York Mercantile Exchange, Selasa (20/1) waktu setempat, ditutup pada posisi 854,60 dollar AS per troy ounce, naik dibanding penutupan Jumat pada 839,30 dollar AS.
Demikian juga di Hongkong, seperti dikutip AFP, harga emas pada pembukaan perdagangan Rabu (21/1), berada pada 851,00-852,00 dollar AS per ounce, lebih tinggi dibanding penutupan Selasa pada 826,50-827,50 dollar AS.
Sumber: http://bisniskeuangan.kompas.com/
Kliping Emas 9-22 Desember 2009
Harga Emas Turun, tapi Masih Mahal
Rabu, 9 Desember 2009 | 11:00 WIB
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Harga emas di pasar internasional mulai turun seiring dengan menguatnya kembali mata uang dollar AS. Meski demikian, harga logam mulia ini masih di atas level 1.100 dollar AS.
Di New York Mercantile Exchange, Selasa (8/12) waktu setempat, harga emas pengiriman terkini ditutup pada 1.142,80 dollar AS per troy ounce, turun dibandingkan penutupan Senin di posisi 1.163,40 dollar AS.
Hal serupa juga terjadi di Hongkong pada perdagangan Rabu pagi ini, di mana harga logam mulia dibuka pada posisi 1.132,00-1.133,00 dollar AS per ounce, lebih murah ketimbang penutupan hari sebelumnya pada 1.158,50-1.159,50 dollar AS.
Akhirnya Harga Emas di Bawah 1.100 Dollar AS
Selasa, 22 Desember 2009 | 10:28 WIB
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Harga emas di pasar internasional turun ke bawah level 1.100 dollar AS seiring dengan menguatnya dollar AS.
Di New York Mercantile Exchange, Senin (21/12/2009) waktu setempat, kontrak emas pengiriman Desember ditutup pada 1.095,40 dollar AS per troy ounce, lebih rendah dibandingkan harga Jumat pekan lalu di posisi 1.110,80 dollar AS.
Sementara itu, untuk pengiriman Februari, harga logam mulia ini melorot hingga 15,50 dollar AS atau hampir 1,4 persen ke level 1.096 dollar AS per ounce. Terakhir, harga emas di bawah 1.100 dollar AS adalah tanggal 6 November 2009.
Di Hongkong, pada perdagangan Selasa pagi, emas dibuka melemah di posisi 1.094,00-1.095,00 dollar AS per ounce, turun dibandingkan kemarin pada 1.113,00-1.114,00 dollar AS.
Sumber: http://bisniskeuangan.kompas.com/
Kliping Emas 3-4 Desember 2009
Emas Masih Bakal Lebih Mahal
Jumat, 4 Desember 2009 | 11:03 WIB
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Menjelang tutup tahun, emas seakan tak pernah lelah mencetak rekor harga baru. Hingga pukul 19.00 WIB kemarin (3/12), harga kontrak emas di divisi Comex NYMEX Amerika Serikat (AS) telah menginjak angka 1.219 dollar AS per troy ounce.
Setidaknya, ada dua faktor fundamental yang mengakibatkan harga emas kian berkemilau. Pertama, aksi beli emas dari investor ritel maupun negara. Setelah China dan India, negara kecil seperti Pakistan sudah mengganti sebagian cadangan devisa dari dollar AS menjadi emas.
"Yang terdeteksi jumlahnya lebih dari satu ton," ujar Martono, Manajer Pemasaran Logam Mulia, kemarin. Padahal jika mau menelusuri, banyak negara maupun ribuan investor ritel yang telah mengantongi emas.
Kedua, pelemahan nilai tukar dollar AS. Kondisi ini mengakibatkan ongkos membeli emas yang berbasis dollar AS semakin murah. Ya, nilai tukar dollar AS memang tersungkur karena investor menggunakan greenback sebagai aksi carry trade.
Para pemodal memanfaatkan rendahnya bunga pinjaman AS, dan mengalihkannya pada barang komoditas, termasuk emas. "Kondisi ini mengakibatkan harga emas terus menguat dalam kurun beberapa bulan ke depan," ujar Nico Omer Jonckheere, Vice President Valbury Asia Futures.
Meski harga emas mulai mengalami jenuh beli (overbought), analis belum melihat potensi bubble atau jatuhnya harga emas. Sebab, bila membandingkan tingkat inflasi tiap tahun, harga emas jauh di bawah rasionya.
Sebagai perbandingan, harga emas pada tahun 1980 masih 850 dollar AS per troy ounce. Bila mengikuti inflasi hingga 2009, seharusnya harga emas mencapai 2.300 dollar AS per troy ounce. "Setiap persen kenaikan inflasi diikuti kenaikan harga emas yang sama," ujar Martono.
Nico meramal, harga emas akan terus menguat hingga 1.350 dollar AS per troy ounce pada kuartal pertama 2010. "Harga emas baru turun pada kuartal kedua 2010," imbuhnya. Alat ukur pergerakan harga emas adalah penguatan atau penurunan dollar AS. (Ade Jun Firdaus/Kontan)
Harga Tinggi, Emas Masih Tetap Dicari
Kamis, 3 Desember 2009 | 22:19 WIB
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Naiknya harga emas hingga mencapai nilai di atas 1.200 dollar per ounce ternyata tidak menyurutkan sepenuhnya minat para konsumen terhadap emas. Erwin (40) seorang pedagang emas di Jakarta saat ditemui Kompas.com Kamis (3/12) mengaku, jumlah transaksi jual beli di tokonya tidak lantas menurun akibat tingginya harga emas saat ini.
Menurut Erwin, justru ada sebagian pelanggannya yang berminat membeli emas ketika harga emas sedang merangkak naik seperti sekarang ini, dengan harapan harga emas akan terus melonjak tinggi sehingga mereka mendapat keuntungan yang berlipat ganda. Tujuannya adalah investasi.
Mereka membeli emas saat harganya merangkak naik kemudian untuk memperoleh keuntungan yang besar, mereka akan menjualnya pada saat harga emas dirasa sudah mencapai posisi harga yang sangat tinggi. "Beberapa pelanggan saya justru memburu emas saat sekarang-sekarang ini karena mereka pikir emas masih akan terus naik, nggak berhenti di harga sekarang ini. Kalo emasnya naik lebih tinggi lagi, mereka akan jual. Dapatlah mereka untung besar," ujar Erwin.
Namun diakui Erwin bahwa sebenarnya dirinya sanksi jika emas akan naik ke harga yang lebih tinggi dari posisi harga saat ini karena menurutnya harga emas cenderung akan turun drastis setelah melonjak naik.
Kliping Emas 3 Desember 2009
Harga Emas Naik Terus, Bisnis Domestik Lesu
Kamis, 3 Desember 2009 | 17:21 WIB
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Terus naiknya harga emas di pasar internasonal hingga menembus 1.200 dollar AS per troy ounce, membuat para pedagang emas di Jakarta terusik. Bagaimana tidak, dengan harga emas yang terus melejit dalam 12 bulan terakhir hingga mencapai rekor tertingginya tentu berdampak pada penurunan transaksi pembelian emas di pasaran.
Seperti yang dialami Johan (36) seorang pedagang emas di Jakarta. Johan mengaku dirinya mulai tidak tenang karena harga emas terus saja melambung tinggi. Ia menambahkan bahwa kenaikan harga emas ini berefek cukup buruk pada usahanya. "Selama emas naik pembelian jadi berkurang. Orang jadi pada nggak berani beli. Kalau dikira-kira jumlah pembelian semenjak emas naik terus jadi turun sampai 50 persen. Kita jadi rugi sekali, " ujarnya.
Namun berbeda dari biasanya, harga emas yang tinggi di pasaran rupanya tak lantas membuat para konsumen berbondong-bondong menjual perhiasannya. Hal ini diakui pula oleh Johan. "Pembelian turun drastis, tapi penjualan juga nggak meningkat kok. Masih segitu-gitu aja. Pokoknya transaksi jual beli emang lagi kurang, anjlok," katanya dengan nada lesu.
Hal ini juga dibenarkan oleh salah seorang pedagang emas lainnya yang enggan disebutkan namanya. "Harga emas naik, jual beli lesu mbak. Apalagi pembelian, turun banget. Yang pada beli paling yang mau nikah, buat mas kawin."
Namun kedua pedagang itu tetap optimistis harga emas akan segera turun kembali karena diakui keduanya harga emas sangat fluktuatif, bisa cepat naik bisa pula turun dengan tiba-tiba.
Terus Cetak Rekor, Harga Emas Makin Mahal
Kamis, 3 Desember 2009 | 06:27 WIB
LONDON, KOMPAS.com - Harga emas terus mencatatkan rekor baru, yakni seharga 1.216,75 dollar AS per ounce, setara dengan 28,3 gram, di London, Rabu (2/12). Dalam 12 bulan terakhir harga emas sudah naik sebesar 55 persen.
Sementara di New York Mercantile Exchange, harga emas pengiriman terkini ditutup pada 1.212,00 dollar AS per troy ounce, naik dibanding Selasa pada 1.199,10 dollar AS.
Pembelian emas oleh sejumlah bank sentral turut menjadi penyebab kenaikan harga emas. Bank Sentral India dikabarkan telah membeli emas sebagai salah satu alat penyimpanan cadangan devisa. Hal serupa juga dilakukan sejumlah bank sentral di Eropa dengan melepas sebagian cadangan devisa denominasi dollar AS, yang kursnya terus merosot dari waktu ke waktu. Pada hari Rabu (2/12) di London, kurs 1 euro setara dengan 1,51 dollar AS.
Lesunya perekonomian AS mengikis daya tahan dollar AS. Kurs sebuah mata uang berkorelasi dengan kekuatan ekonomi negara.
Pelemahan kurs dollar AS sendiri termasuk sebagai penyebab kenaikan harga emas. Pelemahan dollar AS, dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini, selalu berdampak pada kenaikan harga komoditas, seperti minyak dan biji-bijian, sebagaimana terjadi dalam tiga tahun terakhir ini. Kali ini sasaran dari pelemahan dollar AS adalah emas, yang dianggap masih bisa didongkrak naik demi keuntungan.
Namun, kenaikan emas sudah dianggap mendekati batas tertinggi. ”Setelah melampaui angka 1.200 dollar AS per ounce, gerakan harga emas memasuki sebuah zona yang tidak jelas. Mungkin harga masih akan bisa naik, tetapi akan segera turun,” kata Andrey Kryuchenkov dari VTB Capital, London.
Pelarian yang aman
Namun, Ben Potter, analis dari IG Markets di Melbourne, Australia, Rabu, mengatakan, pasar kini sedang melakukan konsolidasi. Hal ini terjadi karena tidak menentunya pasar saham, kurs dollar AS, dan gamangnya pemulihan perekonomian global. Dalam kondisi seperti itu, emas pada umumnya dianggap sebagai tempat pelarian yang aman.
Krisis utang Dubai World, milik Uni Emirat Arab (pemilik Etihad Airways, bukan Al Ittihad Airways), juga turut menambah kegamangan pasar walau sudah mulai mereda.
Kenaikan atau penurunan harga emas didorong oleh kenaikan atau penurunan permintaan konsumen untuk perhiasan. Faktor pendorong harga emas yang lain adalah minat investor, termasuk para spekulan, untuk meraih untung.
Namun, dalam kondisi ekonomi melesu, bisnis perhiasan sedang anjlok drastis. Dengan demikian, kuat dugaan bahwa kenaikan harga emas lebih banyak terkait dengan serbuan investor di pasar komoditas.
Tindakan Barrick Gold, penghasil emas terbesar di dunia asal Kanada, juga turut menaikkan harga. Barrick mengurangi penjualan dengan harapan harga masih akan naik lagi sehingga untung lebih besar masih bisa didapat lagi dari kenaikan harga itu. (REUTERS/AFP/AP/MON)
Sumber: http://bisniskeuangan.kompas.com/
Is Gold a Reliable Recession Proof Investment?
By Jack Wogan
Gold has always been the most coveted metal. Its value and importance is determined not by governments but by factors that are not in the control of any government. In contrast, we have paper money. The value of paper money is dependent upon economic factors relating to governmental control; mostly on the fiscal policies of the Central Bank of any country that issues that paper money.
Under such circumstances, gold emerges as being more reliable, because the market trusts it to not fall prey to fluctuations in economic trends like paper currency does. Another reason why gold is of more importance is the unpredictable fluctuation in the prices of equities.
The way many people see it, there is no substitute for the real deal and the real substance, and that is gold. Many prefer to buy gold in wholesale. When you buy gold in wholesale, the prices are more affordable. By accumulating gold, you can have a sense of security that were anything to happen to market prices, and the value of paper currency to fall, you would be in possession of a very valuable substance, whose prices are not determined by policies introduced by governments of various countries.
In the last couple of years, gold jewellery, as a small-size business, has gained much strength. Women at home, who are unemployed, match their taste for jewellery to get new designs made and to further sell them on. It is a means of a profitable business for women. They can use their creative faculties and employ their hours in creation of gold jewellery, which can later be sold off.
It is the same jewellery that people turn to in times of need. When families face financial crises, they tend to sell off their gold to get a good stable price. Once they are stable, they can pool in their money together to buy more gold. In times of recession, it is necessary that everyone keeps his options open. What better way is there than to purchase gold?
Stock prices may rise and fall. This fluctuation leads to many sleepless nights among stock buyers and sellers. When compared to people who are in the habit of investing their money in gold, it is obvious that possessors of gold lead a better and stress-free life.
That is one of the reasons why countries are exploring their gold reserves to fall back on something in their times of need.
The current devaluing of currency is a clear proof that paper currency cannot be trusted the way gold can be. Gold is also a better investment than other metallic substances, because the same guarantee cannot be provided for those metals. Silver is not as good an investment as gold, and neither is bronze. They both have their special qualities, but when considered as a reliable and recession-proof investment, it is gold that takes the lead. Citizens all over the world have tried this for many years. It is time you should try investing in a safe future.
Jack Wagon is a gold investment consultant. You can take his help to buy gold bullion. For more information about buying gold you can visit his recommended site at http://www.goldmadesimple.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jack_Wogan
Is Gold a Good Long Term Investment?
By Jack Wogan
There has been a lot of discussion lately as to whether or not gold is a good investment. Gold depends on the slump economy; it proves to be a good hedge investment for the short-term, because you can make a huge amount of money in a short period, but you can also lose a lot in a short period if you do not make it on the right time.
Gold is a risky long-term choice. It has historically been hit by inflation over a period of time, for longer than 10 years. While some investors say that sky is the limit, others say that the golden bubble will explode.
Many investors think that buying gold is a good long-term investment because it is a steady investment and is a great means of having a liquid and tangible asset at your disposal. Historically, it has been treasured in value over time. Many investors want to invest in gold, because it has proven to be more secure than other investments over the years.
Gold prices have observed an upward trend in the past 3 years. Although the earlier decades saw a comparatively poor performance, gold prices are likely to rise gradually over the longer term,; but, it is just a speculation. Due to uncertainty in the stock market and decline in the US dollar, investors are captivating an entire fresh look at gold as an investment option.
As a long term investor, holding on to gold investment is not an absolutely good option. If you are planning to invest in gold, it would be better to confer with an investment consultant. An investment firm can assist in deciding the right choice of gold investment products so as to hedge your portfolio.
If you are planning to invest for a long term, you should consider something that consistently moves in the right direction. The average rate of return monitored, as far as history may go, has been better than 2%. It has increased up to 4.4% in the recent years. If you had invested your money in a good index fund, you would have earned on an average 12%, in those same years. So, in other words, gold is a pretty risky long-term investment, with a fairly average track record. Although it is doing very well at the moment, one cannot count on it.
There is a myth about gold that if the economy were to ever completely crash, your best reserve would be gold because it continues to keep its value. The problem is the timing. Gold has never been a good investment over the last 30 years, and it is evident that to buy gold bullion will bring profits that will be dead before we see the big move up.
One can look at gold as a speculative investment, insurance policy or core investment. As a core investment, it is a poor option. Over long periods of time, one would not be expecting the purchasing power of gold to change. It does not pay any amount of interest or dividends.
Jack Wagon is a gold investment consultant. You can take his help to buy gold bullion. For more information about buying gold you can visit his recommended site at http://www.goldmadesimple.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jack_Wogan
Minggu, 20 Desember 2009
The Golden Future - Investing in Gold
By Matthew Corica
Trading in gold has now become one of my main activities as a result of the changing economy. Gold is a precious metal and has been considered the primary store of wealth during inflationary periods throughout history. The importance of gold can not be underestimated because when people stop trusting paper currency they switch to buying precious metals such as gold and silver, therefore creating the high demand and profitable trading opportunities that we are now witnessing.
We have experienced a dramatic increase in the price of gold that can be directly related back to the uncertainty in the global economy. From July 2009 to November 2009, the price of gold has increased a massive $240 USD (approx.) per ounce over this short period. The gold market is now showing a strong upward trend, making this the perfect time to start learning and becoming involved with this highly liquid and dynamic market.
The most utilised methods of accessing gold trading opportunities are either directly investing in speculative gold stocks or trading the gold futures market. I have been promoting new gold floats listing on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), as this method is the simplest way to gain exposure to the gold sector. It has become very obvious that there is a strong demand for gold because there are now a considerable number of new gold explorers listing on the ASX. I have been raising investment capital for gold miners, and I have seen new found enthusiasm from my client-base similar to that of other past boom markets.
Investing in a new share float is easy, but you will need a full service broker. The reason why I say use a full service broker instead of a discounter is because you need a "firm allocation" to secure your place in any high demand new public offering. Top quality new share floats are hard and sometimes impossible to obtain from a broker unless you have a previous relationship, and they have available stock. Full service brokers are in the business of obtaining firm allocations, and developing a continuous business relationship with their contacts and existing client-base. You do not pay any fees when purchasing shares in a new float with a full service broker because they are paid by the issuer, which is the reason that you do not need a discounter. The fees are fully disclosed in the prospectus, and your broker must be a holder of an Australian Financial Services Licence to deal in securities for retail clients.
The other way to trade gold is by using gold futures contracts. Trading futures is the most efficient way to participate in further gold price increases, while avoiding the possible pitfalls of owning a junior gold explorer, or being exposed to the boardroom decisions of any individual gold producer. The ease of being able to buy and sell the gold futures contract, in a highly liquid and regulated market, makes this method the most attractive to traders.
Gold futures are exchangeable standardised contracts, used to buy or sell a fixed quantity and quality of the underlying commodity. Futures contracts can be broken by simply offsetting the transaction. For example, if you buy one futures contract to open then you sell one futures contract to close that market position, similar to trading blue chip shares. It is an easy process, and there are several full service Australian futures brokers that can help you place your trades.
The standard futures contract, for gold, is 100 troy ounces in size and is valued at $10 USD per one tick move, with the tick size being 10 cent. For example, if the gold price was to move from $1175.50 to $1176.50 then that would result in a $100 USD profit per contract to the long-side trader. Alternatively, if the client traded five contracts using the above example then they would have made a $500 USD profit from the $1 USD upward price movement.
The current margin for a single gold contract is around $4,850 AUD at present. The margin is basically a deposit, and is the amount of funds required to open a position. The trader gains leverage by taking positions using margin, with no interest costs unlike margin lending. The margin method used in futures and the margin lending method used in equities are two completely separate financial processes and are unrelated.
Gold trades via open outcry from 9:00 AM until 2:30 PM, and the electronic session is from 6:00 PM until 5:15 PM via the CME Globex trading platform, Sunday through Friday, New York time. There is a break from 5:15 PM until 6:00 PM of 45 minutes between trading days. The market can be accessed, day or night, by using the services of any local futures broker.
If you wish to potentially profit from trading the gold market, then this is the best time to start learning and becoming involved with this lucrative investment sector. Due to the changing global economy, gold should continue trending, and with the abundance of free information available on the internet there is no reason for any investor to physically own gold when there are opportunities to trade gold futures and publicly listed gold shares.
We supply a free Futures & Options Educational Kit via our website located at http://www.titansecurities.com.au
Matthew Corica is a full-time private trader and managing director of licensed investment firm Titan Securities Pty Ltd AFSL: 307040.
This article has been written for educational purposes only. If the reader wishes to trade any financial market due to this article, then to satisfy any unforeseen disclosure obligations of the writer as an Australian Financial Services License holder, please refer to the standard risk disclaimer located at our website.
New Gold Floats: http://www.floatregistry.com
DATE: 30th November 2009
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matthew_Corica
Why Gold Prices Fluctuate
By Dave Jackson
Annual Gold Prices for the past 5 years show that in 2005 the gold price had the biggest annual dollar increase, with an increase of over $80. A chart of prices over the last 30 years looks like a roller coaster.
Exploration and development expenditures include all of the costs associated with manpower and activities such as geologists, contractors, engineering, drilling equipment, metallurgical testing and economic feasibility studies.
Gold mining requires the use of specialized facilities and technology. Gold prices can fluctuate widely and are affected by numerous factors beyond the Company's control. Gold is measured in Troy ounces, which weigh 10 percent more than the ounces used for potatoes and feathers. It's often found in rock that contains sulfides, which when exposed to oxygen, water, and specialized bacteria produce highly acidic water.
Gold's attractive appearance and malleability mean that it can be enjoyed as jewelry or other ornamentation and yet is easily convertible into coin or bullion. Where the price is presented in currencies other than the US dollar, it is converted into the local currency unit using the foreign exchange rate closing price on the same day.
Gold prices have surged past the $500-an-ounce mark, and more gains are predicted as investors look to protect themselves against inflation fears. They historically rise when faith in paper currencies erodes, as investors seek the intrinsic value of gold to protect themselves from inflation. Gold has continued to show strength in Asian and European trading.
Like all prices, the gold price reflects not only the inherent value of gold, but also the relative strength of the currency in which it is quoted. Costs are allocated to a stockpile based on relative values of material stockpiled and processed using current mining costs incurred up to the point of stockpiling the ore, including applicable overhead, depreciation, depletion and amortization relating to mining operations, and removed at each stockpile's average cost per recoverable unit. While gold is a more stable store of value than paper currencies, it still remains a market in which governments have a heavy presence. Thus, taking into account the ever-shrinking value of the dollar, the real price of gold has hardly changed in a century.
Since 1982, average annual gold prices have stayed between $300 and $450 per ounce. Record upside price potential remains firmly in the hands of investors, with average annual gold prices for 2007 on track to beat the 1981 record of $614.
Dave Jackson writes about the Razor E100 Electric Scooter and other great Christmas toys. See if this year's best seller, the Razor E125 Electric Scooter is a fit for your kid!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dave_Jackson
Gold Price Today - Daily Changes For New Investors
By Sitaram Poudyal
The gold price today in all likelihood will not be the same tomorrow or the day after that. It is always fluctuating even by just a little bit and that is what some of the reason is for the stock markets being so thrilling to observe and to invest in. You never know if perhaps the next day you can buy the gold for a rare low price, or even sell it for an even less expected high price, and make a slight fortune.
The gold price today is something that people are often searching for either in the newspaper or online because it is so important to their investment regime. This stock could be the lifeline of their financial security and it is a good sound money source. For those who have not dabbled in the stock market, this is the perfect place to start.
Since the gold price today even changes from minute to minute, you will need to watch it carefully and see when the best time is for investing, depending on what form of gold you are thinking of investing in. Investing in gold coins may be a little more stable than other forms because they are guaranteed by the government and there easier ways to sell them; with gold stocks and other forms it may be more difficult to sell but you can stand to gain more financially.
The gold price today not only varies according to time of day but the stocks also calculate prices according to ounce, gram, and kilogram. Then there are also the history charts of the stocks markets that you can analyze to see the trends that have transpired and compare them to more recent market prices. This should give you a good picture of how the stock markets work if you are not already familiar with them; and for those who are more familiar, how the gold prices have been recently so you can decide whether or not now is the right time to make an investment.
Seeing the gold price today if it has risen should not discourage those who want to invest in the market as on the other side of the story those who have already invested are reacting in just the opposite way. Due to the volatile nature of the stock market, this could be down to new levels tomorrow and it may be the perfect time for you to invest. If you are not sure about the stock market and its prices and if seeing the gold price today makes you think twice, you should read more about it for some help.
Whether the gold price today has changed for the better or the worse for new investors, this is a long-term investment and it does reap many benefits. All you need is to have the right information to put you on the right path.
If you need a jumpstart to your long term investments and want to secure financial freedom then this is your Call To Action.
Leave the rest behind and never look back.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sitaram_Poudyal
10 Reasons Why the Gold Price Will Rise Rapidly
By Anna P Best
There have been some incredibly interesting and provocative statements on the subject of Gold in the last few weeks. But the message is simple. Gold will continue to rise. The question is how far and how fast.
The manager of the USAA Precious Metals and Minerals Fund - the number one precious metals mutual fund over the last 10 years - believes gold stocks will gain 2% to 3% for every 1% move in gold. As our target for gold is at least 100% from here - in excess of $2000 an ounce - this would mean gold stocks could rise 200-300%. And the more speculative stocks are likely to far exceed these targets.
To feel comfortable with investing in precious metals, investors need to be aware of the reasons for the expected rise in the gold price. In no particular order, these are the primary reasons why the stage is set for making your fortune.
1. Selling of Gold by the Gold Cartel - the Gold cartel is made up of the US Government and a collection of bullion and central banks. Central banks have long been sources of gold bullion used to manipulate the market and suppress the price of gold - but they are running out. Gold has been sold in such large quantities to control the price, there is not sufficient production to reverse, or even slow down the depletion of gold bullion stocks. The only way of slowing down demand is to let the price rise. However hard they try to manipulate the market, classic supply and demand will win.
2. Shortage of Supply - the current economic conditions combined with the increase in production costs have slowed down gold exploration and production. In addition, the infrastructural problems of South Africa have significantly effected their output.
3. Transfer of Gold Depositories - Hong Kong has recently completed a high tech security vault at the city Airport. The Hong Kong Authorities are, as we speak, transferring its gold holdings from London to its new secure depository. A move like this sends a message - we will be accumulating gold, and we want it safely stored where we can see and control it, where we can access it instantly, and where its out of harms way.
4. Increasing war and social unrest - war and social insurrection can escalate rapidly. The world is already engaged in more conflict than at any time since the second world war. The Chinese are long term thinkers and are undoubtedly taking this in to account as they accumulate gold and silver to store it close to home.
5. China is adding to its gold reserves - China is making no secret of the fact that it intends to increase its gold reserves, and now holds in excess of 1050 metric tons.
6. China is encouraging its citizens to buy gold - with the world's largest population, and one of the fastest growing economies China has made it legal for their citizens to buy gold and silver, and are actively encouraging them to invest in these precious metals.
7. India, which has been the largest buyer of gold until now, is expected to continue purchasing for jewelery, and increasingly for investment. India already eats up the bulk of the annual mine output, leaving limited quantity for ever competing and ever larger demand.
8. GLD, the SPDR Gold Trust buys gold to back its shares. - They are currently supposed to hold over 1000 tons of gold (almost the same quantity.as China). If this is indeed the case, Their demand on gold output is a major push on the gold price. There is more on this subject in our Gold Report
9. Inflation vs. deflation - the argument persists. After a deflationary period, the billions of dollars being pumped in to the markets will become inflationary. Inflation causes gold to rise. When gold last peaked at $887 in 1980, inflation was averaging 14% and peaked at over 20%. Mortgages had risen in excess of 17%. This could happen again.
10. Paper currency devaluation - the steep decline of the dollar has effected the rise in the gold price, but currencies will at some stage be competing against each other for devaluation. All currencies become unreliable, they no longer provide security, and gold becomes the new money. When this stage is reached we've gone full circle, the bulk of assets will be owned by Asian interests and the new world order will prevail.
Anna P. Best was based in Singapore for many years where she developed her interest in precious metals. Until recently Gold has not been an area the average investor would consider, but that has changed and suddenly there are so many opportunities out there to profit from gold and silver. She has prepared a complimentary report packed with facts which you can download at Gold Report
Anna enjoys sharing her knowledge with other enthusiasts. If you join our web site community you will have free access to a valuable regularly updated collection of articles, comments and conversations on gold and silver. Click the Gold Report link above.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anna_P_Best
How to Determine Gold Price Movements
By Taylor Raimee
Gold is odd as a commodity in that it operates a little differently than the other commodities because of its lower demand for industrial products.
Contrary to metals like silver and copper, gold's demand isn't the primary factor in its price movements, with Indian weddings being one of the top areas gold demand comes from.
There are of course other things like regular jewelry and some industrial uses, but those uses aren't near the uses driving the demand of other metals.
What gold prices primarily move on are in response to difficult economic times, and the threat or reality of inflation. That's where one must look to ascertain where the prices of gold may go.
Another element that must be watched is government interference in the markets, like we're having now, where it can have a direct impact on gold price movements.
I'm referring here to attempts to shore up the price of the U.S. dollar, so countries around the world, and American investors and consumers, continue to have confidence in it.
So when thinking of gold as a wealth building tool, it's more difficult to make happen than other precious metals, although those committing themselves to knowing the gold market and gold companies, do make money in it.
But as a commodity disconnected to everything else, it's primary purpose is safety and an inflation hedge.
Watching the factors that affect that are how to determine where gold prices are going. But the major event to watch is how much money the Federal Reserve, or whoever it is that prints money in your country, is printing.
By definition, inflation is printing money, and the effects of the devaluing of currency and the resultant inflation is what gold investors need to watch more than anything else.
Gold prices going up
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Taylor_Raimee
Gold Price and the US Dollar
By Joel Uqagmire
Many economists have struggled to map the correlation between the gold price and the stock market. The easy answer is that there is not any significant relationship that can be used for gain. The only partial trend is that when the U.S. stock market dives, and other world markets do not, the price of gold will go up, more often than not. So, economists must find a way to relate the price of gold to the U.S. market. The easy answer is simply to track the gold price against the U.S. dollar index. This historical index has been used for decades as a means of judging inflation and deflation within the economy.
The correlation coefficient between the spot gold price and the U.S. dollar is quite high, actually. Typically, a weaker dollar means a stronger gold price per ounce. In this case, the devaluation of the dollar can lead to significant gains in the price of gold. As of this article's publication date, the Dollar Index (DXY: 77.55) is trading at its lowest level of the year, and is down over 10% since mid-April. The gold price is having one of its strongest years and reached a two-month high on August 4th. These dates are insignificant; the point is that there is an inverse relationship between these two variables.
The greatest example of this case is during the Great Depression. While the price of gold was fixed by the government, gold stock prices were not. During the tumultuous years of the early 1930s, the share price of companies like Homestake Mining had gains of more than 400%. Interestingly, the fixed price of gold created a strong downward bias for the gold stock share price. Hence, chances are that the devaluation of the dollar would have lead to even sharper gains.
In short, an excellent tool for comparison with the gold price is the U.S. Dollar Index. The strong correlation and historical pattern allows for interesting assumptions to be satisfied.
Gold Price
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joel_Uqagmire
Gold - What is the Return on Investment (ROI)?
By Tushar Mathur
Investing in gold usually means a long-term investment for five to ten years or more. Is there a right time to invest in gold? Many people ask this question, since the price keeps changing, almost on an hourly basis. In today's context, the gold price is on an upward trend and sometimes it retains the same value. Several financial analysts suggest that gold investment is a convenient, safe and value for money.
What is the root cause for the rise in value?
The price of gold is based on the value of the US dollar. The international trade is dependent on the common exchange currency. However, some analysts suggest that there is a possibility of a correction in gold prices due to profit booking.
If you deeply analyze the facts, you will find that the value of gold does not actually change very much at all. The value of gold over the past 200 years has hardly changed when compared with the value of other goods in market. If you compare one ounce of gold today, you will be able to purchase almost the same amount of goods as you could have done 50 years ago. The only change is the value of the currency and not the gold. Inflation, recession, all affect the value of the fiscal currency but generally do not affect gold.
What is the ROI?
However, One ounce of gold purchased in 1973 for $64 is now worth more than $900. In the long run, the outlook for gold market is strong as crude prices are rising and dollar is weakening.
It is likely that this scenario will continue and in the future years. Gold has always provided a high return over a long period of investment. The other factor, which adds to the increase in value is, decrease in gold mining (supply) and increase in demand. You are likely to get a ROI of 1000%, if you continue to invest in Gold for a long-term basis.
When is the best time to invest in gold?
The best time to invest in gold is right NOW! In fact it is always the best time to invest in gold. If you were to purchase a small amount of gold each month for the next 5 years, you would still beat inflation hands down.
Tushar Mathur writes regularly about Personal Finance and Investing at Everything Finance (http://www.everythingfinanceblog.com). He also writes about Green Living at Talking About Green (http://talkingaboutgreen.com).
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tushar_Mathur
Best Gold Investment Advice
By Arthur McGuire
Finding the best gold investment advice from knowledgeable experts is an excellent way to prepare a successful diversification with gold, and there are a few important pieces of advice that you could use to your advantage in order to maximize your profit and wealth preservation potential. First things first, before actually beginning a gold investment, it's important that you thoroughly analyze your investing goals in order to determine whether a precious metal diversification could be right for you. If you seek a powerful safe-haven asset for either short-term profit or long-term wealth preservation, then your next steps are to explore the market by analyzing the spot price and its daily fluctuation, the different types of bars and coins as well as the many dealers that are available to supply these products.
Exploring the market is some of the best gold investment advice you can obtain because many investors simply jump into a diversification without conducting solid research This negligence commonly results in unsuccessful investments. The gold market revolves around supply and demand for the metal, and the most important variable to keep your eyes on is the daily spot price. This spot price is basically the price of one-ounce of gold on commodities exchanges worldwide before additional premiums are factored in. Note that you cannot purchase bars or coins at spot price, this is simply a variable that actual product prices are based on. You can track this spot price on reputable precious metal websites.
As far as the actual bars and coins are concerned, there are many options available to you. Modern-day bullion bars like the Johnson Matthey products and bullion coins like the American Eagles are commonly purchased by short-term profit seekers because of their small premiums. Pre-1933 certified rare coins like the $20 Lady Liberties and $20 Saint Gaudens are commonly purchased by long-term wealth preservation seekers because of their preservative numismatic value.
When seeking the best gold investment advice, you want to ensure that you are working directly with a reputable precious metal firm that is knowledgeable in all different areas of investing. Companies like the Certified Gold Exchange hold a flawless track record of guiding investors to excellence since 1992, thus making them industry leaders in this competitive market. If you seek success with your investment, request your free "Insider's Guide To Gold Investing" by visiting https://www.certifiedgoldexchange.com/goldrequest/article/Gold-Investment-Advice
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Arthur_McGuire
5 Tips For People Wanting to Invest in Gold
By Jack Wogan
Gold is a fascinating precious commodity for men and women for many centuries. Its splendour and glitter never faded during all these years. The question is if you have ever thought of investing in gold-bullion as a part of your investment plan? Wealthy families in Asia and Europe have been investing in gold-bullion for centuries because of its portable and compact existence. Since last 3 decades, gold-prices have been increasing, although the trend was relatively poor in earlier decades. There is again an upswing in the prices of this metal, and investors are taking the gold-investment very seriously as gold works as a perfect hedge against any other investment.
The fact is that gold-investment tends to stabilise in the time when other investments take a beating. Investing in this metal is good for long term investors. It is always wise to consult with an investment consultant before planning to invest in gold-bullion. The consultant would evaluate your investment goals to determine what would be the right type of gold-purchase you should make. As to hedge to your portfolio, an investment company can aid you in making the correct selection of gold-investment products.
It is sensible to buy this metal when its market is low, but it is not an easy task. You may have to wait long for this. The same is the case when you need to sell this metal. Price should not be considered when buying gold, rather the percentage over the gold-price or the premium should be the criteria. There are plenty of options for investing in this metal. Let us look at some of the tips for investing in this metal.
The people interested in capitalizing on price movement of this metal should invest on gold bullion coins. American Eagle, Canadian Maple Leaf, Britannia or the Australian Nugget coins should be some of your priorities. In 1986, American Eagle minted this metal coins which still hold the place as the leading this metal coins of the World, in terms of investment option. These gold coins are of 22 karats. The weight of the coin is also stamped on it. These gold coins are made using special dyes so as to make the minute details visible. You can buy these gold coins from any good dealer, who deals in precious metals and coins. Universal recognition of this metal coins has made its buying and selling very easy. The one-ounce South African Kruggerand gold bullion coin is extremely popular today and was the first investment opportunity in bullion coin market.
The second investment option is gold bars. On larger bars, you have to pay fewer premiums, so short bars are more costly. At the same time, selling big bars is difficult.
You can also invest in gold certificates. A gold certificate holds the same title and stipulated amount of gold, and it is very easy from the point of view of trading.
You can open a gold account with a popular major bank in your area. People considering investing in gold, generally choose this type of account with commodity brokers or confidential bankers.
Although not directly, but investing in gold mining shares is also a good investment opportunity. The price of gold mining shares depends on the gold bullion prices, so an increase in gold bullion leads to an increase in the share prices.
Jack Wogan is a gold investment consultant. You can take his help to buy gold bullion. For more information about buying gold you can visit his recommended site at http://www.goldmadesimple.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jack_Wogan
Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009
Melihat Harga Emas Hari Ini
Jika anda ingin melihat harga emas hari ini bisa dilihat di situs sebagai berikut:
Pada situs ini anda bisa melihat harga emas hari ini dari Negara-negara yang berbeda, serta harga di update setiap 2 menit . Untuk lebih jelasnya bisa langsung anda kunjungi http://dgcsc.org/goldprices.htm
Kalkulator Harga Emas
Di sini anda bisa mengetahui berapa harga emas dari nilai mata uang yang telah ditentukan atau sebaliknya, mencari berapa gram yang bisa didapat dari besarnya uang yang anda tentukan. Alamatnya di http://dgcsc.org/calculator.cfm
Grafik Harga Emas
Disini anda akan temukan 3 kotak opsi, yang pertama anda bisa memilih gold atau silver. Pada kotak kedua silahkan tentukan mata uang (untuk Indonesia yaitu IRD) dan pada kotak ketiga anda bisa menentukan beratnya, ons, kilogram atau gram. Grafik ini beralamat di http://goldprice.org/
Semoga Bermanfaat.